Walikota Depok Resmikan Gedung Manajemen RSUD

Dapurremaja.com| Sawangan Wali Kota Depok, Mohammad Idris didampingi Wakil Wali Kota, Imam Budi Hartono dan Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Depok, Supian Suri meresmikan Gedung Manajemen Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Khidmat Sehat Afiat (RSUD KiSA) Kota Depok, Kecamatan Sawangan, Rabu (16/04/24).

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The Best Street Style From Paris Fashion Week Spring

Paris Fashion Week’s combined digital and physical season kicked off with IRL spectacles from Coperni, and Christian Dior and will conclude, a week from now, with physical shows.

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Boeing hampir meluncurkan astronot dengan kapsul baru, entri terbaru dalam perjalanan luar angkasa

Dapurremaja.com — Setelah bertahun-tahun tertunda dan tersandung, Boeing akhirnya siap meluncurkan astronot ke Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional untuk NASA. Ini adalah penerbangan pertama kapsul Starliner Boeing dengan awak di dalamnya, sepasang pilot NASA yang akan memeriksa pesawat ruang angkasa selama test drive dan tinggal selama seminggu di stasiun luar angkasa. NASA beralih ke perusahaan-perusahaan AS untuk perjalanan astronot setelah pesawat…

Gerry Damsiki By Gerry Damsiki

Pilihan Editor

Gout Drug Could Show Promise in Fighting COVID-19

We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can…

By drnews

Business Casual: The Definitive Guide for Women To Be Stylish At Work

Sandrine Charles wears an all-black outfit for new york fashion week. As…

By drnews

Gout Drug Could Show Promise in Fighting COVID-19

We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet…

By drnews

MBS Desak Bersatunya Imam Dan SS di Pilkada

Dapurremaja.com| Bojongsari Kelompok  Millenial Bojongsari Sawangan (MBS) mendesak bersatunya dukungan kepada Wakil…

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35° _ 33°
8 km/h
32 °C
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Ikuti Kami

Boeing hampir meluncurkan astronot dengan kapsul baru, entri terbaru dalam perjalanan luar angkasa

Dapurremaja.com — Setelah bertahun-tahun tertunda dan tersandung, Boeing akhirnya siap meluncurkan astronot ke Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional untuk NASA. Ini…

Orangutan Menggunakan Tanaman Obat untuk Mengobati Luka, Kata Para Ilmuwan

Dapurremaja.com - Seekor orangutan tampaknya mengobati lukanya dengan obat dari tanaman tropis— contoh terbaru tentang bagaimana beberapa hewan berupaya menyembuhkan…

By drnews

How My Phone’s Most Annoying Feature Saved My Life

Modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilization, the defining force of a new social order in which efficiency…

By drnews

Media Pemerintah Rusia Lebih Banyak Memposting di TikTok Menjelang Pemilihan Presiden AS, Kata Studi

Dapurremaja.com - Akun-akun yang berafiliasi dengan pemerintah AS telah meningkatkan penggunaan TikTok dan mendapatkan lebih banyak keterlibatan pada platform video…

By drnews

Halal Bihalal Pengajian Ulama Umaroh Dan Meluncurkan Buku Islam Washatiyah di Kota Depok

Dapurremaja.com| Bedahan Halal Bihalal dan pengajian Ulama Umaro kota Depok yang berlangsung di Aula Gedung Dakwah MUI Depok kegiatan yang…

How Fashion Insiders Are Dressing for New York Fashion Week

Sandrine Charles wears an all-black outfit for new york fashion week. As a publicist, my look is usually all black

By drnews

How Jennifer Aniston ‘Struggles With Depression’ Inspired New Album

Music expresses feeling and thought, without language. It was below and before speech, and it is above and beyond all…

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16 Top of Our Favorite Outdoor Clothing Brands

They make gear of the highest quality, and it shows. Made for hiking, rock-climbing and other technical sports, Arc'teryx makes…

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Sony WF-10XM4: Headphones Are Our Absolute Favorite

Modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilization, the defining force of a new social order in which efficiency is no longer an option but a necessity imposed on all human activity.

10 Places You Can’t Miss If It’s Your First Time in European

And then there is the most dangerous risk of all, the risk…

By drnews

The Best Street Style From Paris Fashion Week Spring

Good web design has visual weight, is optimized for various devices, and has content that is prioritized for the medium. The most important elements of a web page should have…

By drnews 3 Min Read

Kuda Depok Waspadai Adanya Politik Belah Bambu

Dapurremaja.com| Bojongsari Komunitas Pemuda (Kuda) Depok mengamati tiga serangkai pemimpin Kota Depok…

By drnews

Kelurahan Cinangka Gelar Pelatihan Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Lokal

Dapurremaja.com | Depok Sebanyak 15 peserta kelompok perempuan kepala keluarga (Peka) kelurahan…

By drnews
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